In case you are not able to cancel the order yourself, please read below for additional options:
Order Status is Confirmed.
The tree has been packed and is ready to be picked up by the carrier. We cannot cancel orders that have the confirmed status. However, we will try to retrieve the box if possible. If we are able to retrieve the box, you will receive an automatic order cancellation confirmation via email.
- How to Cancel an Order with Confirmed status.
If your order status is confirmed, you can try to cancel your order by contacting us as soon as possible. We will make an attempt to retrieve the box, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Order Status is Shipped
The box is now in possession of the carrier. We cannot cancel orders that have the shipped status. However, you may contact the carrier directly to have the box rerouted to us. Please note that we may charge you a restocking fee of 10% or higher to cover the costs associated with handling and packing your trees.
- How to Cancel an Order with Shipped status.
If your order status is shipped, you can contact the carrier directly to have the box rerouted to us. However, we may charge you a restocking fee of 10% or higher to cover the costs associated with handling and packing your trees.
Please Note
We cannot cancel orders that have been delivered.
We cannot cancel orders that have been picked up by the customer.
We may charge a restocking fee of 10% or higher for any cancelled orders.