Miracle Fruit Tree

Miracle Berry Plant

The miracle berry plant is named such for a reason. This fruit is almost tasteless when you bite down on it, so why would you eat the berry at all? Well, after the juice of the miracle berry coats your tongue, everything you eat following it will taste sweet. Lemons become lemonade, and limes melt like sugar in your mouth. Unlike any other fruit, miracle berries are one to try.

How Does this Effect Happen?

You aren’t imagining this sweet effect; it’s actually happening. This flavor alteration is caused by the glycoprotein miraculin found in the fruit. This glycoprotein works by binding to the taste bud receptors for half an hour to two hours after the berry has been consumed. At this time, acidic foods taste sweet.

What are the Benefits?

This effect can be beneficial for many people, ranging from kids to adults. For children, the miracle berry can be a great way to introduce vegetables to picky eaters. For adults that wish to lower their caloric intake, the miracle berry can make previously unsavory foods delectable. Also, the miracle berry can help those with taste and smell issues caused by procedures like chemotherapy.

How to Maintain the Plant

Miracle Fruit Tree

The miracle berry does best in partially shaded conditions. Make sure to keep this plant in conditions of 50 degrees or higher with ample humidity. If you live in colder conditions, bring this plant inside during frigid weather and display your plant next to a sunny window.

The miracle berry bush will grow to about 2-3 feet tall and 1-2 feet wide. The plant is also self-fertile. Fruit will grow from just one plant, so no need to open a large garden of various miracle berry bushes. White flowers will eventually sprout along with the fruit, making a pretty red and white display.