The Vernia Sweet Orange, also known as Berna, Verna, or Alberola, is a subtropical evergreen fruit tree native to Spain. It is a delicious and juicy member of the citrus family, and is a staple in the Mediterranean. The Vernia Sweet Orange has a late-season harvest of acidic-sweet, yellow-orange fruits. The fruits are larger than Hamlin oranges, and have a juicier not-from-concentrate (NFC) orange juice.
The Vernia Sweet Orange is slow to bear fruit, but is highly fruitful once mature. The fruits are medium-sized and have few seeds. They hold well to the tree while ripening, and make for excellent quality juice. The Vernia Sweet Orange is known to regreen during summer, meaning the fruit takes on more chlorophyll and has less of its signature full-color. The tree grows around 10 feet tall, and can be pruned and kept in a container. However, it grows best when planted directly in the ground with ample sunlight and nitrogen.
The Vernia Sweet Orange is a beautiful tree with a deep green, glossy canopy. The blossoms are fragrant, and the fruits are a delight to eat. The Vernia Sweet Orange is best for juicing, but it can also be used in baked goods, salads, smoothies, and sorbets.
This tree can only be shipped to Florida.
USDA regulations do not allow shipping to AZ, CA, LA, HI or TX