not sure if t's going to make it. Looks like it's slowly dying. Such small tree in 1 gallon , suffered from cold stress in quite dry soil-container during the transit. bad decision to buy small tree in middle of winter! that traveled hundreds of miles away
Boysenberry Bush Plant
Boysenberry Bush Plant
38 in stock
Boysenberries produce larger fruit that ripens to a deep purple color that's right in the middle of blackberries and raspberries. The berries are slightly sweeter than blackberries but also offer a sharp tartness, too. The fruit is great for making jams, pies, or just as a snack by themselves. This plant is self-fertile.
• Average mature height: 6-8 feet
• Light: Full sun
• Self-fertile: Yes
• Soil: Well-drained. Average waterings needs, do not overwater.
• Zones: 6-9
My boysenberry plants arrived quickly, but with brown spots on all the leaves. I assumed it was stress from shipping, but fellow gardeners have told me it looks like leaf spot. The canes don't seem dead though, so I've planted them to see how they do. Guess I should have ordered my plants earlier in the season?
Arrived in great shape. Planted at good depth in pot.
Everything we have bought from Everglades Farm so far has been great
Rick from Englewood
Nice specimen! Carefully packed!
Exceeded expectations.