Guava varieties comparison chart

Guavas can easily be grown in containers. They are reliable producers of fruit.

Guavas can be eaten fresh or used in many delicious ways, like juice, jam or jelly, and even salads.

Guava Comparison Chart:

Variety Country of Origin Pulp Color Flavor Production Montds Grow in containers
Ruby Supreme American tropics Pink Mild, sub-acid August-October & February-March Yes
Barbie Pink American tropics Pink Mild, sweet August-October & February-March Yes
Ruby Red American tropics Red Mild, sweet August-October & February-March Yes
Seedless Guava tdailand White Mild, sweet August-October & February-March Yes
tdai Guava tdailand White Mild, sweet August-October & February-March Yes
Asian White Asia White Mildly sweet, eaten immature, crunchy texture August-October & February-March Yes
Kilo Asia White Mildly sweet, eaten immature, crunchy texture August-October & February-March Yes

Tips for growing guava trees:

Sun exposure

For optimal growth and fruit production, it is recommended to plant guava trees in areas with abundant sunlight.
Select the warmest part of the landscape that does not experience flooding or excessive moisture after typical summer rainfall.


To ensure optimal growth, follow these watering guidelines for newly planted guava trees:

  • Water the trees at the time of planting and continue watering every other day for approximately the first week.
  • Afterwards, water the trees 1 to 2 times per week during the initial couple of months.
  • In extended dry spells, when there is minimal or no rainfall for 5 or more days, it is crucial to provide ample water to newly planted and young guava trees (within their first year). In such cases, water the trees thoroughly twice a week.
  • Once the rainy season begins, it is possible to reduce or even halt irrigation frequency as natural rainfall will supplement the water requirements of the trees.

Growing guava tree in containers

The guava tree is an ideal choice for container gardening as it can be easily maintained as a compact tree. Even when grown in a container, it has the potential to yield an impressive harvest of 10-20 guavas annually.