Soursop Tree Guide: How To Identify, Care, and Grow Guanabana Fruit Trees

Soursop Tree Guide: How To Identify, Care, and Grow Guanabana Fruit Trees

The soursop tree, also known as guanabana, graviola, or Brazilian paw, is a tropical fruit known for its distinct sweet and sour flavor reminiscent of strawberry and pineapple. The flavor also carries notes of coconut and vanilla. The interior creamy white flesh and edible black seeds provide further taste complexity. While native to the Caribbean and Central America, soursop fruit trees now grow across tropical regions of Asia and Africa, given lush demand.

Beyond culinary popularity for juices and ice creams, soursop also boasts medicinal lore. Practitioners of herbal medicine use extracts from soursop tree leaves and bark as home remedies meant to stimulate the immune system and reduce inflammation. However, clinical evidence remains limited regarding efficacy.

As a fruit crop, established soursop fruit trees can yield 50 to 200 pounds during harvest seasons, supplying ample fruit for smallholder income supplementation and local markets.

Identifying a Soursop Tree

Identifying a Soursop Tree

Soursop tree size is a key visual cue, with mature plants growing over 25 feet tall in tropical areas. The leaves are large, glossy, and green, while the fruit has a distinct heart shape featuring thorny skin. Inside, the creamy white flesh delivers a signature sweet yet tangy tropical flavor.

Beyond visual identification markers, tasting the unique blend of strawberry, pineapple, and coconut notes confirms the interior fruit pulp. Proper soursop tree care like consistent moisture and fertilization enables abundant harvests. Home gardeners looking to grow soursop plants can more easily spot young trees for propagation purposes based on these signature leaves and oblong fruit.

Planting Soursop Trees

Where does soursop grow? Soursop trees thrive best when initially planted during early spring when the chance of frost has passed. Young saplings especially need consistently warm temperatures with high humidity to establish root development and lush new growth. Sheltered microclimates also aid early survival until the guanabana canopies expand.

With mature soursop tree size reaching over 25 feet tall and wide, an approximate spacing of 12 to 15 feet allows enough distance between trunks for airflow and sunlight penetration critical during flowering and fruiting seasons later on. This oval canopy shape becomes increasingly uniform with age.

Newly transplanted soursop requires temporary dappled shade to limit harsh sunlight and wind exposure until the root structure anchors firmly. A shade cloth canopy aids durability during establishment. Hardening off and full sun transitions can begin after 6 months of shaded growth depending on climate.

Caring for Your Soursop Tree

How to grow a guanabana tree? Consistent soil moisture is imperative for soursop trees during all life stages. Fruit swelling especially demands adequate water to reach maximum size. However, soggy roots increase fungus risk. Monitor rainfall and supplement with drip irrigation as needed to maintain ideal moisture levels.

Fertilize quarterly with a balanced fertilizer: Routine fertilizer application provides necessary nutrients to support soursop tree vigor, flowering potential, and fruit production. A balanced 10-10-10 or citrus blend applied at quarterly intervals sustains optimal plant health across seasons.

While pruning is not essential for soursop fruit production, containing vertical height and lateral spread via strategic branch removal helps ease harvesting strains down the line. Taking out inward-facing limbs also improves airflow and light penetration deep into the soursop’s canopy minimizing pest and disease pressure.

Pest and Disease Management

Soursop trees attract phloem-feeding insects like mealybugs, soft scales, and at times whiteflies due to the sugar-rich sap. Sticky honeydew secretions also lead to mold growth on leaves and developing fruit. Rigorous scouting coupled with horticultural oils or neem treatments curb infestations before exponential population spikes.

Humid tropical environments harbor airborne spores of anthracnose and black spot fungal diseases that infect soursop leaves and stems during wet weather. At the first appearance of black lesions or wilting, apply fungicidal sprays to avoid defoliation threats. Preventative applications when flowering begins boost resilience.

Consistent monitoring for emerging pest eggs or larvae allows early intervention before infestations spiral out of control. Also removing fallen leaves and debris eliminates sheltering grounds and alternate food sources for harmful insects while enabling air circulation.

Harvesting Guanabana Fruit

Harvesting Guanabana Fruit

Unlike many tropical crops, soursop sets fruit relatively quickly after the vibrant magenta blooms emerge. The lag time from flower pollination to mature fruit harvest averages 140-180 days.

Monitor fruit swelling and feel for soft give in the rind indicating ripeness, as the green skin transitions towards a yellowish hue. Gently twisting the stem end can test readiness. Use shears for a clean break.


Want a soursop tree for sale? Everglades Farm offers affordable, quality plants. We grow and ship soursop fruit trees and many more plants to homes and businesses.

Our soursop fruit trees yield abundant fruit for decades in warm zones. Customers praise our healthy stock and packing ensuring vigorous growth. We have a wide variety of plants like bananas, kiwis, etc. Call or order soursop trees online today to improve your landscape! Contact us today!


How do you identify a soursop tree?

Soursop trees have glossy green leaves, heart-shaped fruit with thorny skin, and cream-colored pulp inside that tastes sweet and tangy.

Where do soursop trees grow?

Soursop is a tropical plant that thrives in zones 10-11, needing hot humid climates to produce guanabana fruit, limiting cultivation to equatorial regions like Southeast Asia or Central America.

What care do soursop trees need?

Give soursop trees well-draining yet consistently moist soil, shelter young plants, apply balanced fertilizer quarterly, and prune older branches allowing sunlight penetration for it to have a good yield.

How long until a soursop tree fruits?

Flowering begins 3-4 years after planting a guanabana tree. The fruit then ripens nearly 5 months post bloom allowing progressive harvests during maturation given adequate irrigation.

Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to learn more about the soursop tree guide.
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