How to Grow and Care for the Meyer Lemon Tree?

How to Grow and Care for the Meyer Lemon Tree?

How to Grow and Care for the Meyer Lemon Tree?

The citrus Meyer lemon tree is popular with home gardeners. Its flowers smell nice and its fruit tastes sweet and a little sour, not like regular lemons. This hybrid citrus has genetics from a lemon and an orange. It grows to about 10 feet tall and wide and the leaves are dark green.

The white flowers smell good and become yellow fruit. The skin is smooth and thin and on the inside the pulp is juicy and orange-yellow. Meyer lemons tree foods like jams taste delicious too! The tangy flavor and flowery smell make them perfect for seafood, baked goods, dressings, and drinks.

To grow well, Meyer lemon trees need good drainage, lots of sunshine, and protection from frost. If you are growing Meyer lemon trees in pots then move them inside when cold.

Here we will talk about how to care for Meyer lemon trees!



Botanical Name

Citrus x meyeri

Common Names

Meyer Lemon Tree, Dwarf Lemon Tree

Plant Type

Evergreen fruit tree

Mature Size

Up to 6-10 feet tall and wide; smaller if container-grown

Sun Exposure

Full sun (at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily)

Soil Type

Well-draining, loamy soil; slightly acidic (pH 6.0-7.0)

Soil pH

Slightly acidic (6.0-7.0)

Watering Needs

Regular watering, keeping soil moist but not waterlogged; less frequent in winter

Bloom Time

Spring, sometimes flowers again in fall

Flower Color

White with a purple base

Hardiness Zones

USDA Zones 9-11; can be grown indoors in cooler climates

Tips to Grow and Care for Citrus Meyer Lemon Trees

Meyer lemon trees can make a great addition to any garden. Their sweet fruit and fragrant flowers are wonderful. But they do need some special care to thrive.

Want to know how to grow Meyer lemon trees? Follow these tips and your Meyer lemon tree will grow healthy and strong!

Choosing the Right Spot

Meyer lemon trees

Meyer lemon trees want lots of sunshine to be healthy– aim for at least 6-8 hours per day. Less sun means fewer blossoms and fruit. When planted outside, put them in a sunny spot sheltered from wind. This protects the tree and helps the fruit set properly.

These citrus trees also need soil that drains well. Test your dirt to make sure it is slightly acidic with a pH between 6.0 to 7.0. Amend if needed to create an ideal growing environment.

Take into account space too. Meyer lemons can reach 10 feet tall and wide at maturity. Give each tree enough room to prevent overcrowding.

Planting Your Tree

Meyer lemon trees

The best time to plant new Meyer lemon trees is between late winter and early spring. Avoid freezing temperatures and extreme heat for the best survival rates. Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball but no deeper. Carefully place the root ball in the hole and backfill with native soil. Water thoroughly until the soil settles. Consider staking the tree for extra support in windy areas.

The best soil to plant citrus Meyer trees are soil that are rich in organic matter and have a pH of 6-7 and are also loose and aerated!

Proper Water Needs

best soil to plant citrus Meyer trees

Consistent deep watering is crucial for Meyer lemon trees. Soak the entire root zone then let the soil dry out some before watering again. In warm months, aim to water every 7-10 days depending on heat, size, and soil type, and less often in cool weather. Signs of under-watering are drooping leaves and dropping fruit. Overwatering damages roots leading to yellow and curled foliage.

Adding 2-3 inches of organic mulch helps lock in moisture and discourage weeds. Just be sure no mulch touches the trunk to avoid possible rot.

Feed for Best Growth

Meyer lemon trees need fertilizer for robust expansion and plentiful flowers. Use a citrus-specific formula with higher nitrogen. Apply per package directions starting in early spring, usually every 4-6 weeks through summer.

Micronutrients are important too. Yellowing leaves often indicate iron deficiency. Consider a micronutrient spray or soil amendments as necessary to nurture a vibrant, flourishing tree.

Proper Pruning 

Some annual pruning keeps Meyer lemon trees in shape and healthy. Trim in late winter just before spring growth starts. Remove any dead or damaged branches first. Cut off congested branches for the best structure.

Flowering and Fruiting Meyer Lemon Trees

The sweet scent of Meyer lemon blossoms signals spring has arrived! Flower buds start forming in late winter and open up from early spring onward. Each blossom only lasts a week or two but new ones keep unfurling for several weeks.

Outdoor trees rely on bees for pollination. For container lemon trees, carefully brush a small soft brush inside each flower to transfer pollen. This helps ensure adequate fruit sets when bees are scarce.

Once the tiny green fruits form, thinning is important for the best growth and flavor. Remove the smallest fruits so each remaining lemon has space to reach a nice large size. Aim for 4-6 inches between each for optimal results.

Harvesting Juicy Meyer Lemons

Meyer lemon trees take about 6-9 months to ripen after flowering. Check for plump lemons that have turned from dark to light yellow. They should feel slightly soft with thin skin. Twist the fruit gently and pull to pick without damaging the tree.

Use or preserve the lemons soon after picking. Store at room temperature for a week or so. The thin skins don’t allow long-term storage. But they make delightful additions to so many recipes due to the sweeter juice.

Caring for Trees in Winter

When winter comes, Meyer lemon trees need some extra care and protection. Potted dwarf trees must be moved back inside before temperatures drop. Select the sunniest indoor spot possible.

For in-ground trees in cold climates, wrap or drape the branches in winter. Burlap, old blankets/sheets, straw, and bubble wrap all work to insulate the citrus from harsh winds and freezing. Water the plants less since the tree goes dormant.

Troubleshooting Issues

Being vigilant helps your plant avoid problems. But even well-cared-for Meyer lemon trees sometimes struggle.

Spider mites and aphids may infest, causing stippling or curling leaves. Get rid of pests with water then apply insecticides if needed.

Yellowed foliage or stunted growth indicates nutrients are lacking. Test soil and amend accordingly.

With attentive care and protection, Meyer lemon trees will flourish for years of sweet citrus goodness to savor! Just give them what they need in each season.


Looking for an affordable Meyer lemon tree for sale? We have many high-quality plants for sale at good prices. Our selection includes dwarf lemon trees for sale, Kiwi plants for sale, lemon trees for sale, and more.

Shop from our wide range and find just the right citrus tree to fit your space and budget. Our customers say our prices are fair and our plants are top-notch. See the great reviews for yourself!

So come check out the Meyer lemon and other fruit trees at Everglades Farm. We know you will find exactly what you want for your garden.

Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to learn more about Meyer Lemon Trees.

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