Avocado Cold Hardy

Avocado Cold Hardy

If you do not leave in South Florida, you can still try to grow your own avocados, by planting a cold hardy variety.  

Cold hardy avocados are more resilient to cold weather.  Follow the simple steps below to increase your chances of succeeding growing your own cold hardy avocados. 

  1. We recommend that you grow your avocado tree in containers, so you can bring indoors during the cold winter nights 
  2. If you wish to plant your tree on the ground, consider growing your tree in containers for the first 2-3 years (the smaller the tree the more susceptible to cold weather damage) 
  3.  Once your tree is planted on the ground, have a plan to protect it with some type of covering when temperatures drop below the freezing point 
  4. Consider planting cold-tolerant or cold-hardy varieties, like the ones listed below...